Berlin’s remote working gateway to Switzerland

Nori Poff

About us

Berlin lifestyle, Swiss salary. Nori Poff is the remote working gateway to Switzerland for talents that embrace new work and love a one-of-a-kind community. Take the risk-free adventure and enjoy the benefits of Swiss employment while living in Germany’s most vibrant city.


Nori Poff



This is your chance to live the Berlin Lifestyle with a swissed up salary. Nori Poff offers you the secure access to the most stable labor market in the world. Build a longlasting career and start working for a Swiss company, right in the heart of Berlin. Experience the benefits of our community, personal hosts and events on site in our remote home. We will support you step by step to your future job and find the perfect match for you. Secure, personal and easy.

Swiss Company

More flexibility, more skill and more talent? Same price! Nori Poff matches your demand for highly trained and specialized staff out of an available and bonding community. Focus on building a strong international team while we take care of the whole legal process. Enjoy the flexibility of a full office infrastructure on site that enables you to set-up easy, quick and professional. Great talent knows no limits. That’s why we bring the power of talent from all over the world right to your doorstep.

Team take on

When nothing goes right go left. Nori Poff is your partner when you have to reduce costs promptly and lay off your employees at the same time. Give your most important asset, the people in your team, a new home, a new path and perspective. We take on your members of staff completely and integrate them in our personal community and remote working environment while bearing the current personnel costs from that point on. Quick, reliable and supporting.